Physiotherapy for businesses.

Keep your workforce working.

Injuries in the workplace can lead to reduced staff productivity, increased sickness absence, and temporary or permanent disability. Evidence shows the longer a person is off work the less likely they are to return, therefore, the in-house physiotherapy services provided by Macclesfield Physio aim to:-

Macclesfield Physio continually strives to build partnerships with local businesses both large and small. In-house physiotherapy is proven to help them manage some of the biggest causes of absence from work. On-site physiotherapy is provided for organisations that would prefer their workers to be treated within the workplace. This approach to workplace injury management is cost effective as it reduces the amount of time the worker spends away from the workplace and, if required, can allow numerous employees to be seen in one session. Also quick updates or meetings can be arranged to give feedback on the progress of staff members with employers or occupational health representatives.

If workers are not at work due to their injury we can arrange to treat them at the workplace or at one of our clinics. The physiotherapists at Macclesfield Physio will provide the best possible treatment, education and advice regarding adaptations to allow each individual to return to work in the shortest time possible. On completion of treatment advice can be given regarding implementations and adaptations to prevent a reoccurrence of the injury. In-house physiotherapy services provided by Macclesfield Physio can be designed to run alongside existing occupational health or medical services.

To arrange a physiotherapy appointment, please contact us on the form below

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